Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

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Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 04 окт 2010, 18:13

Зелёных-на фонарь!
Остановить раковую опухоль исламофошизма в Европе!
Dutch Leader's Hate Speech Trial is Adjourned
Dutch Leader's Hate Speech Trial is Adjourned
The trial of Dutch anti-Islamist politician Geert Wilders was adjourned until Tuesday after concerns were raised by Wilder's defense about the impartiality of the judges, Reuters reports.

Wilders appealed for freedom of expression Monday and then exercised his right to silence as he went on trial for alleged hate speech at a time when his popularity and influence in the Netherlands are near all-time highs.

Prosecutors say Wilders incited hatred against Muslims with remarks comparing Islam to Naziism and by calling for a ban on the Koran. Wilders argues he has a right to freedom of speech and that his remarks were within the bounds of the law.

"I am a suspect here because I have expressed my opinion as a representative of the people," Wilders told judges at the start of the trial.

"Formally I'm on trial here today, but with me, the freedom of expression of many, many Dutch people is also being judged," he said, referring to more than 1.4 million voters who made his party the country's third-largest in June elections.

If convicted he could face up to a year in jail, though a fine would be more likely. He could keep his seat in parliament regardless of the outcome.

Shortly after defending freedom of speech in his opening statement, Wilders refused to answer any questions from the three judges.

Presiding judge Jan Moors said Wilders is known for making bold statements but avoiding discussions, and added that "it appears you're doing so again."

Wilders' lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, said the remark gave the appearance that Moors is biased and moved to have him substituted. The move delayed the trial for at least several hours as a separate panel was convened to consider the request.

Wilders told the panel that if Moors is allowed to remain "then this is not only a political trial, but also an unfair trial with prejudiced judges."

Earlier Monday, Wilders arrived at the Amsterdam District Court amid heavy security and waved to supporters as he walked into the courtroom.

Wilders' party has agreed to support a new conservative Dutch government likely to take office this month. In return, his political allies have promised to carry out much of his anti-immigration agenda.

The Wilders-supported government to be installed as early as this week intends new measures to reduce acceptance of asylum-seekers and cut immigration from non-Western countries in half, notably by making it difficult for foreign spouses or children to join families that have already immigrated and become Dutch citizens.

It also plans to force new immigrants to pay for their own mandatory citizenship classes.

Immigration-related issues have dominated politics in the Netherlands and much of Europe over the past decade. Wilders has drawn comparisons with populists such as the late Jorg Haider in Austria and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France.

His stances resound deeply with Dutch voters, who have reconsidered their famous tolerance amid fears their own culture is being eroded by immigrants who don't share their values. Around 6 percent of the Dutch population is now Muslim.

Among Wilders' many remarks at issue in the trial, an editorial in newspaper De Volkskrant stands out.

"I've had enough of Islam in the Netherlands; let not one more Muslim immigrate," he wrote in the paper. "I've had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: Forbid that fascist book."

The flamboyant, bleach-blond politician also has called for taxing clothing commonly worn by Muslims, such as head scarves -- or "head rags," as he called them -- because they "pollute" the Dutch landscape.

He may be best known for the 2008 short film "Fitna," which offended Muslims around the world by juxtaposing Koranic verses with images of terrorism by Islamic radicals.

In a sign of the emotions at stake in Wilders' political rise, Naziism is invoked on both sides. Wilders compares the growth of Islam influences in the Netherlands to the rise of Nazi ideology, while his critics say his populist, anti-foreigner rhetoric is reminiscent of Hitler's.

A handful of anti-Wilders protesters gathered outside the court behind a banner reading "fascism rules," with a Dutch pun on Wilders' name.

Mohamed Rabbae, chairman of the moderate National Moroccan Council, said outside the court that he hoped judges would force Wilders to issue an apology for his past remarks.

"We are not for getting Mr. Wilders in prison. We are for correcting him," Rabbae said.

The case has generated huge interest in the Netherlands and the opening was broadcast live on television.

The formal charges are insulting a group on the basis of its religion and inciting discrimination and/or hatred.

Convictions for discriminatory remarks are frequent in the Netherlands, but penalties are rarely greater than a small fine.

Prosecutors were initially reluctant to bring Wilders' case to court, saying his remarks appeared directed toward Islam as an ideology rather than intended to insult Muslims as a group.

But they were eventually ordered to do so by a judge.

Prosecutors won't rule out dropping some or all charges or demanding no sentence when the trial comes to its concluding phase.

A verdict is expected Nov. 4.

The Associated Press contributed to this report
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 04 окт 2010, 19:31

Dear Friends,

I am very happy to be here in Berlin today. As you know, the invitation which my friend René Stadtkewitz extended to me, has cost him his membership of the CDU group in the Berlin Parliament. René, however, did not give in to the pressure. He did not betray his convictions. His dismissal prompted René to start a new political party. I wish him all the best. As you may have heard, the past weeks were extremely busy for me. Earlier this week we succeeded in forging a minority government of the Liberals and the Christian-Democrats which will be supported by my party. This is an historic event for the Netherlands. I am very proud of having helped to achieve this. At this very moment the Christian-Democrat Party conference is deciding whether or not to approves this coalition. If they do, we will be able to rebuild our country, preserve our national identity and offer our children a better future.

Despite my busy schedule at home, however, I insisted on coming to Berlin, because Germany, too, needs a political movement to defend German identity and to oppose the Islamization of Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel says that the Islamization of Germany is inevitable. She conveys the message that citizens have to be prepared for more changes as a result of immigration. She wants the Germans to adapt to this situation. The Christian-Democrat leader said: "More than before mosques will be an integral part of our cities."

My friends, we should not accept the unacceptable as inevitable without trying to turn the tide. It is our duty as politicians to preserve our nations for our children. I hope that René's movement will be as successful as my own Partij voor de Vrijheid, as Oskar Freysinger's Schweizerische Volkspartei in Switzerland, as Pia Kjaersgaard's Dansk Folkeparti in Denmark, and similar movements elsewhere.

My good friend Pia recently spoke in Sweden at the invitation of the Sverigedemokraterna. She said: "I have not come to mingle in Swedish domestic politics because that is for the Swedish people to be concerned with. No, I have come because in spite of certain differences the Swedish debate in many ways reminds me of the Danish debate 10-15 years ago. And I have come to Sweden because it is also a concern to Denmark. We cannot sit with our hands in our lap and be silent witnesses to the political development in Sweden."

The same applies for me as a Dutchman with respect to Germany. I am here because Germany matters to the Netherlands and the rest of the world, and because we cannot establish an International Freedom Alliance without a strong German partner.

Dear friends, tomorrow is the Day of German Unity. Tomorrow exactly twenty years ago, your great nation was reunified after the collapse of the totalitarian Communist ideology. The Day of German Unity is an important day for the whole of Europe. Germany is the largest democracy in Europe. Germany is Europe's economic powerhouse. The wellbeing and prosperity of Germany is a benefit to all of us, because the wellbeing and prosperity of Germany is a prerequisite for the wellbeing and prosperity of Europe.

Today I am here, however, to warn you for looming disunity. Germany's national identity, its democracy and economic prosperity, is being threatened by the political ideology of Islam. In 1848, Karl Marx began his Communist Manifesto with the famous words: "A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of communism." Today, another specter is haunting Europe. It is the specter of Islam. This danger, too, is political. Islam is not merely a religion, as many people seem to think: Islam is mainly a political ideology.

This insight is not new.

I quote from the bestselling book and BBC television series The Triumph of the West which the renowned Oxford historian J.M. Roberts wrote in 1985: "Although we carelessly speak of Islam as a 'religion'; that word carries many overtones of the special history of western Europe. The Muslim is primarily a member of a community, the follower of a certain way, an adherent to a system of law, rather than someone holding particular theological views." The Flemish Professor Urbain Vermeulen, the former president of the European Union of Arabists and Islamicists, too, points out that "Islam is primarily a legal system, a law," rather than a religion.

The American political scientist Mark Alexander writes that "One of our greatest mistakes is to think of Islam as just another one of the world's great religions. We shouldn't. Islam is politics or it is nothing at all, but, of course, it is politics with a spiritual dimension, ... which will stop at nothing until the West is no more, until the West has ... been well and truly Islamized."

These are not just statements by opponents of Islam. Islamic scholars say the same thing. There cannot be any doubt about the nature of Islam to those who have read the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith. Abul Ala Maududi, the influential 20th century Pakistani Islamic thinker, wrote - I quote, emphasizing that these are not my words but those of a leading Islamic scholar - "Islam is not merely a religious creed [but] a revolutionary ideology and jihad refers to that revolutionary struggle ... to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth, which are opposed to the ideology and program of Islam."

Ali Sina, an Iranian Islamic apostate who lives in Canada, points out that there is one golden rule that lies at the heart of every religion - that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. In Islam, this rule only applies to fellow believers, but not to Infidels. Ali Sina says "The reason I am against Islam is not because it is a religion, but because it is a political ideology of imperialism and domination in the guise of religion. Because Islam does not follow the Golden Rule, it attracts violent people."

A dispassionate study of the beginnings of Islamic history reveals clearly that Muhammad's objective was first to conquer his own people, the Arabs, and to unify them under his rule, and then to conquer and rule the world. That was the original cause; it was obviously political and was backed by military force. "I was ordered to fight all men until they say 'There is no god but Allah,'" Muhammad said in his final address. He did so in accordance with the Koranic command in sura 8:39: "Fight them until there is no more dissension and the religion is entirely Allah's."
According to the mythology, Muhammad founded Islam in Mecca after the Angel Gabriel visited him for the first time in the year 610. The first twelve years of Islam, when Islam was religious rather than political, were not a success. In 622, Muhammad emigrated to Yathrib, a predominantly Jewish oasis, with his small band of 150 followers. There he established the first mosque in history, took over political power, gave Yathrib the name of Medina, which means the "City of the Prophet," and began his career as a military and a political leader who conquered all of Arabia. Tellingly, the Islamic calendar starts with the hijra, the migration to Medina - the moment when Islam became a political movement.

After Muhammad's death, based upon his words and deeds, Islam developed Sharia, an elaborate legal system which justified the repressive governance of the world by divine right - including rules for jihad and for the absolute control of believers and non-believers. Sharia is the law of Saudi Arabia and Iran, among other Islamic states. It is also central to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which in article 24 of its Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, proclaims that "all rights and freedoms are subject to the Islamic Sharia." The OIC is not a religious institution; it is a political body. It constitutes the largest voting block in the United Nations and writes reports on so-called "Islamophobia" in Western Countries which accuse us of human rights violations. To speak in biblical terms: They look for a speck in our eye, but deny the beam in their own.

Under Sharia law people in the conquered territories have no legal rights, not even the right to life and to own property, unless they convert to Islam.

Before I continue, and in order to avoid any misunderstandings, I want to emphasize that I am talking about Islam, not about Muslims. I always make a clear distinction between the people and the ideology, between Muslims and Islam. There are many moderate Muslims, but the political ideology of Islam is not moderate and has global ambitions. It aims to impose Islamic law or Sharia upon the whole world. The way to achieve this is through jihad. The good news is that millions of Muslims around the world - including many in Germany and the Netherlands - do not follow the directives of Sharia, let alone engage in jihad. The bad news, however, is that those who do are prepared to use all available means to achieve their ideological, revolutionary goal.

In 1954, in his essay Communism and Islam, Professor Bernard Lewis spoke of "the totalitarianism, of the Islamic political tradition." Professor Lewis said that "The traditional Islamic division of the world into the House of Islam and the House of War, ... has obvious parallels in the Communist view of world affairs. ... The aggressive fanaticism of the believer is the same."

The American political scientist Mark Alexander states that the nature of Islam differs very little - and only in detail rather than style - from despicable and totalitarian political ideologies such as National-Socialism and Communism. He lists the following characteristics for these three ideologies.

* They use political purges to "cleanse" society of what they considere undesirable;

* They tolerate only a single political party. Where Islam allows more parties, it insists that all parties be Islamic ones;

* They coerce the people along the road that it must follow;

* They obliterate the liberal distinction between areas of private judgment and of public control;

* They turn the educational system into an apparatus for the purpose of universal indoctrination;

* They lay down rules for art, for literature, for science and for religion;

* They subdue people who are given second class status;

* They induce a frame of mind akin to fanaticism. Adjustment takes place by struggle and dominance;

* They are abusive to their opponents and regard any concession on their own part as a temporary expedient and on a rival's part as a sign of weakness;

* They regard politics as an expression of power;

* They are anti-Semitic.
There is one more striking parallel, but this is not a characteristic of the three political ideologies, but one of the West. It is the apparent inability of the West to see the danger. The prerequisite to understanding political danger, is a willingness to see the truth, even if it is unpleasant. Unfortunately, modern Western politicians seem to have lost this capacity. Our inability leads us to reject the logical and historical conclusions to be drawn from the facts, though we could, and should know better. What is wrong with modern Western man that we make the same mistake over and over again?

There is no better place to ponder this question than here in Berlin, the former capital of the evil empire of Nazi Germany and a city which was held captive by the so-called German "Democratic" Republic for over forty years.

When the citizens of Eastern Europe rejected Communism in 1989, they were inspired by dissidents such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Václav Havel, Vladimir Bukovsky, and others, who told them that people have a right, but also an obligation, to "live within the truth." Freedom requires eternal vigilance; so it is with truth. Solzhenitsyn added, however, that "truth is seldom sweet; it is almost invariably bitter." Let us face the bitter truth: We have lost our capacity to see the danger and understand the truth because we no longer value freedom.

Politicians from almost all establishment politicians today are facilitating Islamization. They are cheering for every new Islamic school, Islamic bank, Islamic court. They regard Islam as being equal to our own culture. Islam or freedom? It does not really matter to them. But it does matter to us. The entire establisment elite - universities, churches, trade unions, the media, politicians - are putting our hard-earned liberties at risk. They talk about equality, but amazingly fail to see how in Islam women have fewer rights than men and infidels have fewer rights than adherents of Islam.

Are we about to repeat the fatal mistake of the Weimar Republic? Are we succumbing to Islam because our commitment to freedom is already dead? No, it will not happen. We are not like Frau Merkel. We do not accept Islamization as inevitable. We have to keep freedom alive. And, to the extent that we have already lost it, we must reclaim it in our democratic elections. That is why we need political parties that defend freedom. To support such parties I have established the International Freedom Alliance.

As you know, I am standing trial in the Netherlands. On Monday, I have to go to court again and I will have to spend most of the coming month there. I have been brought to court because of my opinions on Islam and because I have voiced these opinions in speeches, articles and in my documentary film Fitna. I live under constant police protection because Islamic extremists want to assassinate me, and I am in court because the Dutch establishment - most of them non-Muslims - wants to silence me.

I have been dragged to court because in my country freedom can no longer be fully enjoyed. Unlike America, we do not have a First Amendment which guarantees people the freedom to express their opinions and foster public debate by doing so. Unlike America, in Europe the national state, and increasingly the European Union, prescribes how citizens - including democratically elected politicians such as myself - should think and what we are allowed to say.

One of the things we are no longer allowed to say is that our culture is superior to certain other cultures. This is seen as a discriminatory statement - a statement of hatred even. We are indoctrinated on a daily basis, in the schools and through the media, with the message that all cultures are equal and that, if one culture is worse than all the rest, it is our own. We are inundated with feelings of guilt and shame about our own identity and what we stand for. We are exhorted to respect everyone and everything, except ourselves. That is the message of the Left and the politically-correct ruling establishment. They want us to feel so ashamed about our own identity that we refuse to fight for it.

The detrimental obsession of our cultural and political elites with Western guilt reinforces the view which Islam has of us. The Koran says that non-Muslims are kuffar (the plural of kafir), which literally means "rejecters" or "ingrates." Hence, infidels are "guilty." Islam teaches that in our natural state we have all been born as believers. Islam teaches that if we are not believers today this is by our own or by our forefathers' fault. Subsequently, we are always kafir - guilty - because either we or our fathers are apostates. And, hence, according to some, we deserve subjugation.

Our contemporary leftist intellectuals are blind to the dangers of Islam.
Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky argues that after the fall of communism, the West failed to expose those who had collaborated with the Communists by advocating policies of détente, improved relations, relaxation of international tension, peaceful coexistence. He points out that the Cold War was "a war we never won. We never even fought it. ... Most of the time the West engaged in a policy of appeasement toward the Soviet bloc - and appeasers don't win wars."

Islam is the Communism of today. But, because of our failure to come clean with Communism, we are unable to deal with it, trapped as we are in the old Communist habit of deceit and double-speak that used to haunt the countries in the East and that now haunts all of us. Because of this failure, the same leftist people who turned a blind eye to Communism then, turn a blind eye to Islam today. They are using exactly the same arguments in favor of détente, improved relations, and appeasement as before. They argue that our enemy is as peace-loving as we are, that if we meet him half-way he will do the same, that he only asks respect and that if we respect him he will respect us. We even hear a repetition of the old moral equivalence mantra. They used to say that Western "imperialism" was as bad as Soviet imperialism; they are now saying that Western "imperialism" is as bad as Islamic terrorism.

In my speech near Ground Zero in New York on September 11, I emphasized that we must stop the "Blame the West, Blame America"-game which Islamic spokesmen are playing with us. And we must stop playing this game ourselves. I have the same message for you. It is an insult to tell us that we are guilty and deserve what is happening to us. We do not deserve becoming strangers in our own land. We should not accept such insults. First of all, Western civilization is the freest and most prosperous on earth, which is why so many immigrants are moving here, instead of Westerners moving there. And secondly, there is no such thing as collective guilt. Free individuals are free moral agents who are responsible for their own deeds only.

I am very happy to be here in Berlin today to give this message which is extremely important, especially in Germany. Whatever happened in your country in the past, the present generation is not responsible for it. Whatever happened in the past, it is no excuse for punishing the Germans today. But it is also no excuse for you to refuse to fight for your own identity. Your only responsibility is to avoid the mistakes of the past. It is your duty to stand with those threatened by the ideology of Islam, such as the State of Israel and your Jewish compatriots. The Weimar Republic refused to fight for freedom and was overrun by a totalitarian ideology, with catastrophic consequences for Germany, the rest of Europe and the world. Do not fail to fight for your freedom today.

I am happy to be in your midst today because it seems that twenty years after German reunification, a new generation no longer feels guilty for being German. The current and very intense debate about Thilo Sarrazin's recent book is an indication of the fact that Germany is coming to terms with itself.

I have not yet read Dr. Sarrazin's book myself, but I understand that while the ruling politically-correct establishment is almost unanimously critical of his thesis and he lost his job, a large majority of Germans acknowledges that Dr. Sarrazin is addressing important and pressing issues. "Germany is abolishing itself," warns Sarrazin, and he calls on the Germans to halt this process. The enormous impact of his book indicates that many Germans feel the same way. The people of Germany do not want Germany to be abolished, despite all the political indoctrination they have been subjected to. Germany is no longer ashamed to assert its national pride.

In these difficult times, where our national identity is under threat, we must stop feeling guilty about who we are. We are not "kafir," we are not guilty. Like other peoples, Germans have the right to remain who they are. Germans must not become French, nor Dutch, nor Americans, nor Turks. They should remain Germans. When the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan visited your country in 2008, he told the Turks living here that they had to remain Turks. He literally said that "assimilation is a crime against humanity." Erdogan would have been right if he had been addressing the Turks in Turkey. However, Germany is the land of the Germans. Hence, the Germans have a right to demand that those who come to live in Germany assimilate; they have the right - no they have a duty to their children - to demand that newcomers respect the German identity of the German nation and Germany's right to preserve its identity.

We must realize that Islam expands in two ways. Since it is not a religion, conversion is only a marginal phenomenon. Historically, Islam expanded either by military conquest or by using the weapon of hijra, immigration. Muhammad conquered Medina through immigration. Hijra is also what we are experiencing today. The Islamization of Europe continues all the time. But the West has no strategy for dealing with the Islamic ideology, because our elites say that we must adapt to them rather than the other way round.

There is a lesson which we can learn in this regard from America, the freest nation on earth. Americans are proud of their nation, its achievements and its flag. We, too, should be proud of our nation. The United States has always been a nation of immigrants. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt was very clear about the duty of immigrants. Here is what he said: "We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else ... But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. ... There can be no divided allegiance here. ... We have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

It is not up to me to define what Germany's national identity consists of. That is entirely up to you. I do know, however, that German culture, like that of neighboring countries, such as my own, is rooted in judeo-christian and humanist values. Every responsible politician has a political obligation to preserve these values against ideologies which threaten them. A Germany full of mosques and veiled women is no longer the Germany of Goethe, Schiller and Heine, Bach and Mendelssohn. It will be a loss to us all. It is important that you cherish and preserve your roots as a nation. Otherwise you will not be able to safeguard your identity; you will be abolished as a people, and you will lose your freedom. And the rest of Europe will lose its freedom with you.

My friends, when Ronald Reagan came to a divided Berlin 23 years ago he uttered the historic words „Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall." President Reagan was not an appeaser, but a man who spoke the truth because he loved freedom. Today, we, too, must tear down a wall. It is not a wall of concrete, but of denial and ignorance about the real nature of Islam. The International Freedom Alliance aims to coordinate and stimulate these efforts.

Because we speak the truth, voters have given my party, the Partij voor de Vrijheid, and other parties, such as the Dansk Folkeparti and the Schweizerische Volkspartei, the power to influence the political decision process, whether that be in opposition or in government or by supporting a minority government - as we want to do in the Netherlands. President Reagan showed that by speaking the truth one can change the course of history. He showed that there is no need to despair. Never! Just do your duty. Be not afraid. Speak the truth. Defend Freedom. Together we can preserve freedom, together we must preserve freedom, and together, my friends, we will be able to preserve freedom.

Thank you.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Frezy Grant » 04 окт 2010, 19:46

Ап чём туд вкратци?
Если я кому не нравлюсь - застрелись. Я не исправлюсь.
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Frezy Grant
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 04 окт 2010, 19:49

*Islam is the Communism of today* (c) Geert Wilders

*ислам это коммунизм - сегодня* (с) геерт уилдерс
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Frezy Grant » 04 окт 2010, 20:02

Н-ну... если вспомнить Троцкого и красный террор, то может быть.
Только он не смог так разползтись.
Если я кому не нравлюсь - застрелись. Я не исправлюсь.
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Frezy Grant
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 04 окт 2010, 21:06

афтар (немоня) пидр, если сравнил ислам с коммунизмом. коммуняки если бы не революшн инда раша - овечки по сравнению с чурками ислама
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 04 окт 2010, 21:27

monteverdi писал(а):*Islam is the Communism of today* (c) Geert Wilders

*ислам это коммунизм - сегодня* (с) геерт уилдерс

ваш герт дурак,что плохого в от каждого по способностям каждому по потребностям?

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 04 окт 2010, 21:47

Доцент писал(а):овечки по сравнению с чурками ислама

коммунизм в 20 в. , с отрицанием изначальных прав, лагерями уничтожения и ядерным оружием, представлял угрозу цивилизации. уилдерс из райт он таргет.
Долой коммунистов и всех Зелёных !
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Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2010, 15:02
Откуда: Sweet land of liberty
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 04 окт 2010, 21:56

моня вы где родились в ссср или на занзибаре,когда и где и кто построил и жил при коммунизме?

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение HH » 05 окт 2010, 05:51

2 Дядя и прочие Фрези :ну вы можете называть это развитым или недоразвитым социализом, коммунизмом ,фашизмом исламизом или марксизмом. от этого суть не меняется.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 05 окт 2010, 07:19

У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Шико » 05 окт 2010, 10:28

Дядя писал(а): что плохого в от каждого по способностям каждому по потребностям?

все резко показуют неспособность
на мне белое кимоно. и рукава завязаны сзади
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 05 окт 2010, 12:51

есть нюанс неспособность означает непотребность.
ты чота забывать совок стала
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Frezy Grant » 05 окт 2010, 13:00

Совок-то не грех и забыть.
А вот муслики забыть о себе не дадут.
Так что разница йесть и большая.
Я там специально для мони подборку фоток собирала.
Он порадуецца.
Если я кому не нравлюсь - застрелись. Я не исправлюсь.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 05 окт 2010, 13:04

кстати ты помнишь что ислам и совок братья навек? хотьмы я кобы с ними воевали скока у нас друзей террористов было?
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Frezy Grant » 05 окт 2010, 13:09

Не. У мну таких друзей не было.
Ну, ежели дядю не щитать.
Если я кому не нравлюсь - застрелись. Я не исправлюсь.
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Frezy Grant
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Шико » 05 окт 2010, 13:50

Доцент писал(а):есть нюанс неспособность означает непотребность.

:lol: вовсе нет
на мне белое кимоно. и рукава завязаны сзади
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 05 окт 2010, 13:51

точно забыла совок
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Шико » 05 окт 2010, 13:55

я свой склирос не отрицаю, но он тут никаким боком. бо ради потребности не все желают применить способность
на мне белое кимоно. и рукава завязаны сзади
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 05 окт 2010, 16:47

а ссут над уилдерсом идёт!
долой исламофошистов и обезумевшую жыдо-прогрессисскую элиту !
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Frezy Grant » 05 окт 2010, 19:03

monteverdi писал(а):а ссут над уилдерсом идёт!

Вот и скажи правду - сразу судить :(
Если я кому не нравлюсь - застрелись. Я не исправлюсь.
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Frezy Grant
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 05 окт 2010, 20:23

HH писал(а):2 Дядя и прочие Фрези :ну вы можете называть это развитым или недоразвитым социализом, коммунизмом ,фашизмом исламизом или марксизмом. от этого суть не меняется.

ну тогда давайте назовём член влагалищем

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение boss8 » 05 окт 2010, 20:58

Дядя писал(а):
HH писал(а):2 Дядя и прочие Фрези :ну вы можете называть это развитым или недоразвитым социализом, коммунизмом ,фашизмом исламизом или марксизмом. от этого суть не меняется.

ну тогда давайте назовём член влагалищем

да не вопрос: Дядя, ну ты и влагалище!))
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 05 окт 2010, 21:04

а кто монин пост с речью wilders'a потер?
у нас тут 1st ammendment иле кац?
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 06 окт 2010, 00:06

заменил ссылкой на кошерный ссайт. где она целиком. проеврено.
а то стёр. а вы имейти совесть хотя бы покац спойлера нет
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 06 окт 2010, 00:44

ну вопщет вы вставиле ссылку, где ,например, камменты, а моня привёл первоисточник.
дядю можете подряд тереть, а моня нисогласный.
Долой коммунистов и всех Зелёных !
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 06 окт 2010, 00:47

вверну обратно кац тока придет спойлер.
именем тора барского короля.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 06 окт 2010, 01:01

monteverdi писал(а):ну вопщет вы вставиле ссылку, где ,например, камменты, а моня привёл первоисточник.
дядю можете подряд тереть, а моня нисогласный.

дядю, помнится, уже тёрли ,ну и где вы оказались? -)

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 06 окт 2010, 01:06

Дядя де вы и де моня. вот за мон мне стыдно что я так взял и заменил одно другим а за тебя нет. ктстати дядя а ты сам то где?
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 06 окт 2010, 01:09

Доцент писал(а):Дядя де вы и де моня. вот за мон мне стыдно что я так взял и заменил одно другим а за тебя нет. ктстати дядя а ты сам то где?

я как всегда-над

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 06 окт 2010, 01:11

обычно гойворят не над сайтом а на сайте

ЗЫ сорре за флуд
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 06 окт 2010, 01:13

то другое

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 06 окт 2010, 04:52

Western countries need to defend Western civilization

by Washington Times

Dutch member of Parliament Geert Wilders is on trial in the Netherlands for "incitement to hatred and discrimination." His crime was daring to criticize Islam.

Mr. Wilders is the head of the Party for Freedom, the third-largest political party in the Netherlands and part of a new Dutch coalition government. The party platform is blatantly nationalistic, seeking immigration controls and other restrictions on the Netherlands' non-native population, particularly the country's 850,000 Muslims who hail largely from Turkey and Morocco. "We have to stop the tsunami of Islamization," says Mr. Wilders. "It is affecting our heart, our identity, our culture."

The brutal excesses of the 20th century made nationalism a bad word. The Netherlands suffered acutely under the Nazi yoke during World War II, and as a result, postwar Dutch society was cosmopolitan and tolerant to a fault. The laws under which Mr. Wilders is being prosecuted are a reflection of this mindset.

Much has changed since the end of that horrible war 65 years ago. Today, Holland is facing an issue all countries must come to grips with in the age of globalization, namely determining what about their culture is unique and worthy of preservation. Open borders, demographic shifts and contemporary global communications all contribute to the dilution of national character worldwide, for good or ill. Countries that don't seek actively to preserve their national character will become simply names on a map. The homogenization of global culture is particularly acute for smaller countries like the Netherlands, which risk being absorbed into a bland international omniculture or being taken over by foreigners who refuse to assimilate.

Islam is unique among the world's largest religious orientations in that it seeks to impose a comprehensive worldview not only on its adherents but on humanity in general. To its true believers, Islam is above politics, and the rules that govern civil society should be subordinate to the strictures of the Koran. Dutch Minister of Justice Piet Hein Donner came under widespread criticism in 2006 when he said Shariah might come to the Netherlands through democratic means. He didn't understand that would amount to the end of freedom in his country.

The supremacy of Shariah is an alien notion in the West. In the centuries after the wars of religion and in the aftermath of the secularizing French Revolution, faith became separate from - and in many cases subordinate to - government. Last week, President Obama said the United States "is still predominantly Christian" but has other faiths whose "path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own." That's a Western liberal viewpoint; it's not the position of Islam. To Muslims, other faiths are never revered. Mr. Wilders is right to say Islam is totalitarian in spirit. Muslim clerics teach that every aspect of human existence is subject to Koranic guidance, and these rules should apply to everyone whether they are Muslims or not.

Mr. Wilders is being prosecuted for believing there is something uniquely Dutch under attack that's worthy of being preserved. The same could be said about that which is Italian, British, German, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, French or American. That Mr. Wilders faces trial for this belief shows some aren't willing to have this discussion, but all countries will face it eventually. Western tolerance shouldn't be a suicide pact.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 06 окт 2010, 05:12

by Investor's Business Daily

Posted 10/04/2010 07:03 PM ET

Freedom: What do the trial of a Dutch politician, multiple terrorist threats in Western Europe and a speech by a Mideast tyrant have in common? Plenty, if you're a citizen of the West. It's all part of a game of intimidation.

On Monday, the trial for Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders began. His odious crime? Speaking out against the Netherlands' open-border immigration policies, which have been blamed for letting hundreds of thousands of Muslims move in without assimilating into Dutch society.

The Dutch government charges Wilders with the Orwellian crime of "hate speech." For this, Wilders could spend a year in prison.

You don't have to agree with Wilders or like what he says — we find some of his utterances repugnant — to see that this trial is bad for Western democracy.

Wilders has been charged for saying things such as "I've had enough of Islam in the Netherlands; let not one more Muslim immigrate."

Intolerant? Maybe. But certainly it's legitimate to question whether the Netherlands' longtime policy of encouraging large numbers of unassimilable Islamic immigrants into a country whose liberal culture and tradition of openness they don't respect is a good one.

As for Wilders, he is certainly no more intolerant than those Islamists across Europe who now intimidate Euro-politicians by threatening them with death. In the Netherlands alone, filmmaker Theo Van Gogh (2004) and Dutch sociologist and politician Pim Fortuyn (2002) were murdered by Islamists or open-borders advocates.

The West's longstanding democratic tradition of free expression means nothing if it doesn't protect unpopular speech. Wilders happens to be a leader of the Freedom Party, which finished third in June's Dutch elections. By trying Wilders, the Dutch government is really trying to silence Wilders' estimated 1.5 million followers.

By the way, if you think Wilders' remarks were intemperate, here's what Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said just this weekend to the West's leaders, according to Reuters: "May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world." Now that's hate speech.

When Wilders recently tried to visit Britain, he was denied entry. Ahmadinejad, on the other hand, who has repeatedly called for the death of the West, just last month was let into the U.S. to attend a United Nations confab and received warm applause for his hate-filled speech in which he accused the U.S. of staging 9/11.

Much of the European Continent today is on high alert over a possible terrorist attack by — you guessed it — Islamic extremists.

"Terrorists may elect to use a variety of means and weapons and target both official and private interests," the U.S. State Department warned.

That this should happen during Wilders' trial is no coincidence. It's part of a pattern of intimidation in the West intended to shut up those who say anything even slightly critical of radical Islam and its long-term stated goal of destroying the West and imposing Shariah law, the fundamentalist law of Islam, on all people.

Europe is easy to intimidate because it's weak. Even under trial, Wilders must live with 24-hour protection. If "Islam means peace," why should that be necessary? And why should the Dutch government try to still his voice?

Soon, those who want to end debate over radical Islam won't have to slit the throats of those they disagree with, as they did to the unfortunate Van Gogh. They'll have cowed and cowardly governments silence their opposition for them, as is happening in the Netherlands now.

Don't think that can happen here? Ask Molly Norris. The cartoonist for the left-leaning Seattle Weekly made the foolish mistake of calling for an "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day."

She did it because she had heard that cartoonists Trey Parker and Matt Stone were now living under a death threat for putting Mohammed into "South Park."

Poor, naive Molly. Today she lives under a fatwa — a death sentence — by extremist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, and has gone into hiding. Strangely, those in our brave mainstream media have gone almost entirely silent on poor Molly's fate.

Can't happen here? Guess again.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Шико » 06 окт 2010, 09:27

Дядя писал(а):
дядю, помнится, уже тёрли ,ну и где вы оказались? -)

так вот кто был любимой фрейлиной короля
на мне белое кимоно. и рукава завязаны сзади
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 06 окт 2010, 13:17

monteverdi писал(а):
by Investor's Business Daily

Posted 10/04/2010 07:03 PM ET

Freedom: What do the trial of a Dutch politician, multiple terrorist threats in Western Europe and a speech by a Mideast tyrant have in common? Plenty, if you're a citizen of the West. It's all part of a game of intimidation.

On Monday, the trial for Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders began. His odious crime? Speaking out against the Netherlands' open-border immigration policies, which have been blamed for letting hundreds of thousands of Muslims move in without assimilating into Dutch society.

The Dutch government charges Wilders with the Orwellian crime of "hate speech." For this, Wilders could spend a year in prison.

You don't have to agree with Wilders or like what he says — we find some of his utterances repugnant — to see that this trial is bad for Western democracy.

Wilders has been charged for saying things such as "I've had enough of Islam in the Netherlands; let not one more Muslim immigrate."

Intolerant? Maybe. But certainly it's legitimate to question whether the Netherlands' longtime policy of encouraging large numbers of unassimilable Islamic immigrants into a country whose liberal culture and tradition of openness they don't respect is a good one.

As for Wilders, he is certainly no more intolerant than those Islamists across Europe who now intimidate Euro-politicians by threatening them with death. In the Netherlands alone, filmmaker Theo Van Gogh (2004) and Dutch sociologist and politician Pim Fortuyn (2002) were murdered by Islamists or open-borders advocates.

The West's longstanding democratic tradition of free expression means nothing if it doesn't protect unpopular speech. Wilders happens to be a leader of the Freedom Party, which finished third in June's Dutch elections. By trying Wilders, the Dutch government is really trying to silence Wilders' estimated 1.5 million followers.

By the way, if you think Wilders' remarks were intemperate, here's what Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said just this weekend to the West's leaders, according to Reuters: "May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world." Now that's hate speech.

When Wilders recently tried to visit Britain, he was denied entry. Ahmadinejad, on the other hand, who has repeatedly called for the death of the West, just last month was let into the U.S. to attend a United Nations confab and received warm applause for his hate-filled speech in which he accused the U.S. of staging 9/11.

Much of the European Continent today is on high alert over a possible terrorist attack by — you guessed it — Islamic extremists.

"Terrorists may elect to use a variety of means and weapons and target both official and private interests," the U.S. State Department warned.

That this should happen during Wilders' trial is no coincidence. It's part of a pattern of intimidation in the West intended to shut up those who say anything even slightly critical of radical Islam and its long-term stated goal of destroying the West and imposing Shariah law, the fundamentalist law of Islam, on all people.

Europe is easy to intimidate because it's weak. Even under trial, Wilders must live with 24-hour protection. If "Islam means peace," why should that be necessary? And why should the Dutch government try to still his voice?

Soon, those who want to end debate over radical Islam won't have to slit the throats of those they disagree with, as they did to the unfortunate Van Gogh. They'll have cowed and cowardly governments silence their opposition for them, as is happening in the Netherlands now.

Don't think that can happen here? Ask Molly Norris. The cartoonist for the left-leaning Seattle Weekly made the foolish mistake of calling for an "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day."

She did it because she had heard that cartoonists Trey Parker and Matt Stone were now living under a death threat for putting Mohammed into "South Park."

Poor, naive Molly. Today she lives under a fatwa — a death sentence — by extremist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, and has gone into hiding. Strangely, those in our brave mainstream media have gone almost entirely silent on poor Molly's fate.

Can't happen here? Guess again.

моня считайте,что вы выполнили свой долг -)

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 06 окт 2010, 18:07

10/06/2010 10:45

After winning 24 seats in parliament, Dutch politician charged with inciting hatred via "Fitna," which juxtaposes Koranic verses with violent images.

The hate speech trial of politician Geert Wilders has resumed with judges viewing his anti-Islam film "Fitna," which juxtaposes Koranic verses and images of violence, and offended many Muslims worldwide when it was released in 2008.

Wilders is charged with inciting hatred against Muslims via "Fitna" and in dozens of public remarks comparing Islam to Fascism, calling for a ban on Muslim immigration and for a ban on the Koran. In one opinion piece he wrote "I've had enough of Islam in the Netherlands; let not one more Muslim immigrate," adding "I've had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: Forbid that fascist book."

Wilders argued on Monday that he has a right to freedom of speech and that his remarks were within the bounds of the law.

"I am a suspect here because I have expressed my opinion as a representative of the people," Wilders told judges at the start of the trial.

"Formally I'm on trial here today, but with me, the freedom of expression of many, many Dutch people is also being judged," he said, referring to more than 1.4 million voters who made his party the country's third-largest in June elections.

If convicted, Wilders could face up to a year in jail, though a fine would be more likely. He could keep his seat in parliament regardless of the outcome.

The trial was adjourned until Tuesday shortly after Wilders' opening remarks, when he declined to answer any questions from the three judges, invoking his right to remain silent.

Presiding judge Jan Moors said Wilders is known for making bold statements but avoiding discussions, and added that "it appears you're doing so again."

Wilders' lawyer, Bram Moszkowicz, said the remark showed Moors is biased against Wilders and moved to have him substituted.

However, the Amsterdam District Court rejected Wilders' arguments that judges in his case were biased. A review panel ruled Tuesday there was little evidence judges were biased and ordered the trial to resume Wednesday.

Earlier in the week, the Dutch Christian Democrat Party voted to cooperate with Wilder's anti-Islam Freedom Party and join a minority cabinet led by the pro-business VVD party.

Wilder's party rose from nine seats to 24 in recent elections, underscoring a further shift from the Netherlands' long-held image as a bastion of tolerance that welcomes newcomers. Wilders said he hoped that by toughening immigration regulations, the new government would slash the number of asylum seekers getting into the Netherlands by one quarter and reduce by half what he called “non-Western immigrants.”
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 06 окт 2010, 18:08

"I've had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands: Forbid that fascist book." (c) Geert Wilders
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение HH » 07 окт 2010, 04:09

I've had enough of The Мonia in this discussion
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 07 окт 2010, 04:34

Posted by Pamela Geller Oct 6th 2010 at 2:41 pm in First Amendment, Religion

In what can only to be described as a throwback to the seventh century, Dutch Parliamentarian and anti-jihad warrior Geert Wilders was back in court Monday on specious “hate speech” charges filed by a corrupt, criminal dhimmi court in the Netherlands.

How dare they subjugate their Western values to Islamic supremacism in this dangerous farce?

Wilders has explained what’s at really on trial in Holland in his case: “I am standing trial,” he said, “because of my opinions on Islam … and because the Dutch establishment – most of them non-Muslims – wants to silence me. I have been dragged to court because in my country freedom can no longer be fully enjoyed. In Europe the national state, and increasingly the EU, prescribes how citizens – including democratically elected politicians such as myself – should think and what we are allowed to say.”

For a moment it looked as if the Dutch might come to their senses and stop harassing this warrior for freedom. On Monday, just as his heresy trial resumed, Wilders said, “I am on trial, but on trial with me is the freedom of expression of many Dutch citizens. I can assure you, I will continue proclaiming it.” Then, according to the notoriously leftist and morally bankrupt Guardian, he “asserted his right to remain silent for the rest of the trial, prompting a comment from the presiding judge, Jan Moors, which was challenged by Wilders’s lawyer.”

Moors said, according to the Guardian, that Wilders “was known for making bold statements but avoiding discussions,” and concluded by saying: “It appears you’re doing so again.”

Wilders’ lawyer Bram Moszkowicz then asked that the proceedings be halted and Moors removed. But on Tuesday a special panel refused to remove Moors, and the trial resumed again.

That episode shows that a “fair” trial is not even remotely possible in this case. Wilders himself articulated what is at stake in his trial back in January:

Freedom is the most precious of all our attainments and the most vulnerable. People have devoted their lives to it and given their lives for it. Our freedom in this country is the outcome of centuries. It is the consequence of a history that knows no equal and has brought us to where we are now.

I believe with all my heart and soul that the freedom in the Netherlands is threatened. That what our heritage is, what generations could only dream about, that this freedom is no longer a given, no longer self-evident.

I devote my life to the defence of our freedom. I know what the risks are and I pay a price for it every day. I do not complain about it; it is my own decision. I see that as my duty and it is why I am standing here….

You won’t hear from the mainstream media about the price Wilders is paying. They’re too busy with other matters: when Daisy Khan (Ground Zero mega-mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s wife #3), an inciter and provocateur, and one of the architects of the Ground Zero mega-insult, claims to have received a threatening phone call, and the media is all over it like flies on….

So let’s take a step back ourselves and understand the price that Wilders and others really are paying. Former Muslim and author Wafa Sultan, former Muslim and Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, scholar Robert Spencer, former Muslim and scholar Ibn Warraq, scholar Bat Ye’or, former Muslim Nonie Darwish, cartoonist Lars Vilks, cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, Danish newspaper publisher Flemming Rose, South Park producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Salman Rushdie and countless others, myself included, receive horrible threats all the time. Wafa Sultan is the only American living in hiding. Wilders himself lives under round-the-clock tight security because of the hundreds of death threats he receives every year.

These threats are not idle. Theo Van Gogh was murdered in cold blood in the streets of The Netherlands because of a perceived insult to Islam.

And just last month, Molly Norris, an unknown Seattle cartoonist, had to go into witness protection because she dared to initiate “Everyone Draw Muhammad Day,” a response to the Muslim death threats against the producers of Comedy Central (they dared to utter the name “Muhammad,” and put him in a huggy bear costume). So Norris has to change her name, leave her job, her home, her life, at her own expense, because jihadists holding the world hostage were…offended.

Molly Norris should be the top story of the day. Norris should be splashed on the front pages of newspapers nationwide. Norris should be the poster girl for media and free press everywhere. Instead, no one knows who the hell Norris is.

The real hero of freedom is not Daisy Khan, but Geert Wilders and others who stand with him. The real ones under threat are not Daisy Khan and the Imam Rauf, but people who have spoken out, even accidentally like Molly Norris, and those who are opposing their Islamic supremacist plan to put a mosque at Ground Zero.

Geert Wilders is our proxy. We are all on trial. Our freedom of speech is on trial. The Organization of the Islamic Conference means to shut us all up. That’s what they were doing in Chicago last week.

Wilders is us. If you value your freedom, stand with him.

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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 07 окт 2010, 11:27

monteverdi писал(а):
Posted by Pamela Geller Oct 6th 2010 at 2:41 pm in First Amendment, Religion

In what can only to be described as a throwback to the seventh century, Dutch Parliamentarian and anti-jihad warrior Geert Wilders was back in court Monday on specious “hate speech” charges filed by a corrupt, criminal dhimmi court in the Netherlands.

How dare they subjugate their Western values to Islamic supremacism in this dangerous farce?

Wilders has explained what’s at really on trial in Holland in his case: “I am standing trial,” he said, “because of my opinions on Islam … and because the Dutch establishment – most of them non-Muslims – wants to silence me. I have been dragged to court because in my country freedom can no longer be fully enjoyed. In Europe the national state, and increasingly the EU, prescribes how citizens – including democratically elected politicians such as myself – should think and what we are allowed to say.”

For a moment it looked as if the Dutch might come to their senses and stop harassing this warrior for freedom. On Monday, just as his heresy trial resumed, Wilders said, “I am on trial, but on trial with me is the freedom of expression of many Dutch citizens. I can assure you, I will continue proclaiming it.” Then, according to the notoriously leftist and morally bankrupt Guardian, he “asserted his right to remain silent for the rest of the trial, prompting a comment from the presiding judge, Jan Moors, which was challenged by Wilders’s lawyer.”

Moors said, according to the Guardian, that Wilders “was known for making bold statements but avoiding discussions,” and concluded by saying: “It appears you’re doing so again.”

Wilders’ lawyer Bram Moszkowicz then asked that the proceedings be halted and Moors removed. But on Tuesday a special panel refused to remove Moors, and the trial resumed again.

That episode shows that a “fair” trial is not even remotely possible in this case. Wilders himself articulated what is at stake in his trial back in January:

Freedom is the most precious of all our attainments and the most vulnerable. People have devoted their lives to it and given their lives for it. Our freedom in this country is the outcome of centuries. It is the consequence of a history that knows no equal and has brought us to where we are now.

I believe with all my heart and soul that the freedom in the Netherlands is threatened. That what our heritage is, what generations could only dream about, that this freedom is no longer a given, no longer self-evident.

I devote my life to the defence of our freedom. I know what the risks are and I pay a price for it every day. I do not complain about it; it is my own decision. I see that as my duty and it is why I am standing here….

You won’t hear from the mainstream media about the price Wilders is paying. They’re too busy with other matters: when Daisy Khan (Ground Zero mega-mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s wife #3), an inciter and provocateur, and one of the architects of the Ground Zero mega-insult, claims to have received a threatening phone call, and the media is all over it like flies on….

So let’s take a step back ourselves and understand the price that Wilders and others really are paying. Former Muslim and author Wafa Sultan, former Muslim and Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, scholar Robert Spencer, former Muslim and scholar Ibn Warraq, scholar Bat Ye’or, former Muslim Nonie Darwish, cartoonist Lars Vilks, cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, Danish newspaper publisher Flemming Rose, South Park producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Salman Rushdie and countless others, myself included, receive horrible threats all the time. Wafa Sultan is the only American living in hiding. Wilders himself lives under round-the-clock tight security because of the hundreds of death threats he receives every year.

These threats are not idle. Theo Van Gogh was murdered in cold blood in the streets of The Netherlands because of a perceived insult to Islam.

And just last month, Molly Norris, an unknown Seattle cartoonist, had to go into witness protection because she dared to initiate “Everyone Draw Muhammad Day,” a response to the Muslim death threats against the producers of Comedy Central (they dared to utter the name “Muhammad,” and put him in a huggy bear costume). So Norris has to change her name, leave her job, her home, her life, at her own expense, because jihadists holding the world hostage were…offended.

Molly Norris should be the top story of the day. Norris should be splashed on the front pages of newspapers nationwide. Norris should be the poster girl for media and free press everywhere. Instead, no one knows who the hell Norris is.

The real hero of freedom is not Daisy Khan, but Geert Wilders and others who stand with him. The real ones under threat are not Daisy Khan and the Imam Rauf, but people who have spoken out, even accidentally like Molly Norris, and those who are opposing their Islamic supremacist plan to put a mosque at Ground Zero.

Geert Wilders is our proxy. We are all on trial. Our freedom of speech is on trial. The Organization of the Islamic Conference means to shut us all up. That’s what they were doing in Chicago last week.

Wilders is us. If you value your freedom, stand with him.

моня,переведите пожалуйста,может я прочту и проникнусь

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 07 окт 2010, 15:27

самое прикольное что тут движку повик на длину страницы - он считает колво сообщений.
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 07 окт 2010, 19:35

дядю все равно можно потереть-будет только польза
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 07 окт 2010, 21:12

monteverdi писал(а):дядю все равно можно потереть-будет только польза

кто же тогда вам будет противостоять,моня? ведь каждому герою нужен антигерой,чтобы он блистал на его фоне -)

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Ritter von Krieger » 07 окт 2010, 21:23

Если потереть дядю, из него вылезет джинн?
умею подражать голосам рыб
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 07 окт 2010, 21:28

вылезет пася -)

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Доцент » 08 окт 2010, 00:20

все таки пася зареген на гей ру
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 11 окт 2010, 19:19

The Wall Street Journal


Imagine if a leader within the tea party movement were able to persuade its members to establish a third political party. Imagine he succeeded—overwhelmingly—and that as their leader he stood a real chance of winning the presidency. Then imagine that in anticipation of his electoral victory, the Democrats and Republicans quickly modified an existing antidiscrimination law so that he could be convicted for statements he made on the campaign trail.

All of this seems impossible in a 21st-century liberal democracy. But it is exactly what is happening in Holland to Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders.

Mr. Wilders came onto the political scene in September 2004 when he broke from the Liberal Party to found the Freedom Party. He did this partly as a response to Turkey's bid to join the European Union, and also in reaction to the rise of political Islam in the Netherlands.

No one has ever accused Mr. Wilders of being diplomatic. He's famously compared the Quran to "Mein Kampf" and described it as a "fascist book," he's called Muhammad "the devil," and he's proposed policies—such as banning the construction of mosques and taxing women who wear the burqa—to halt further Islamification.

At first, Mr. Wilders was dismissed as a far right-wing extremist. But since splitting from the Liberal Party six years ago, his star has only risen. In the national elections held in November 2006, his party won nine seats in parliament. When the Dutch government fell again this year, June elections saw his party take 24 seats in the 150-seat body.

This has spooked Dutch parliamentarians, particularly those wedded to multiculturalism. That's why, in the fall of 2009, they modified Article 137C and 137D of the Penal Code to make it possible for far-left organizations to take Mr. Wilders to court on grounds of "inciting hatred" against Muslims.

Article 137C of the penal code now states that anyone "who publicly, verbally or in writing or image, deliberately expresses himself in anyway insulting of a group of people because of their race, their religion or belief . . . will be punished with a prison sentence of at the most one year or a fine of third category." It continues: "If the offense is committed by a person who makes it his profession or habit, or by two or more people in association, a prison sentence of at the most two years or a fine of fourth category will be imposed."

And so since Oct. 4, Mr. Wilders has filed into court to defend himself in this blasphemy trial. If he loses—and the chances are high, given that the presiding judges haven't been subtle about their bias against him—he will face fines or time in jail. (When Mr. Wilders said he would not speak at the trial, Judge Jan Moors accused him of being "good at making statements, but then avoiding the discussion" they provoke.)

How is it possible that a mature European liberal democracy is prosecuting an elected member of parliament for his political opinions on the most pressing issue of the day—namely, Islamic fundamentalism? There are three main reasons.

First, there is the matter of traditional politicians' discomfort with Mr. Wilders. Historically, the Netherlands has insisted on the idea of "consensus." Though on paper this means compromise, in practice it has meant conformity of thought and a refusal to rock the boat on controversial issues.

No issue has tested this comfortable consensus more than the ascent of Islam, first presented by immigrants from Morocco and Turkey in the 1960s and 1970s, and then by asylum-seekers and refugees from various Muslim countries beginning in the 1990s. Most elites responded by preaching "tolerance." Give Muslim immigrants benefits and wait until they voluntarily integrate, their argument goes. Even if that process would take generations—even when it became apparent that some Muslims practiced female genital mutilation and honor killings, and imams openly urged their congregations to reject Dutch culture and law—citizens were not to criticize Islam.

A growing segment of the population—including Mr. Wilders and me, when I was a member of parliament from 2003 to 2006—doubted this facile and dangerous idea of "tolerance." This upset politicians, professors, journalists and other opinion-makers who tried to make us untouchables.

There were exceptions: Brave people in media, business and even in the military supported me politically, often behind the scenes. Still, I eventually left the country due to a combination of frustration with the campaign of ostracism and the extreme threats I faced from Islamists who wanted to kill me. Mr. Wilders, however, endured.

The second reason Mr. Wilders is on trial is the electoral power of Muslims in the Netherlands' four major cities. During local elections in March 2006, Muslim immigrants for the first time acted as an unofficial power bloc that could make or break a major Dutch party.

The supposed victims of Dutch discrimination were now a force to reckon with. Thus, major parties including Labor and the Christian Democrats—dominant since World War II—now support policies like increased immigration from Muslim countries and welfare benefits for Muslim voters. And they turn a blind eye to the implementation of informal Shariah law, particularly concerning the treatment of women.

Third, there are the efforts of countries in the Organization of the Islamic Conference to silence the European debate about Islam. One strategy used by the 57 OIC countries is to treat Muslim immigrants to Europe as satellite communities by establishing Muslim cultural organizations, mosques and Islamic centers, and by insisting on dual citizenship. Their other strategy is to pressure international organizations and the European Union to adopt resolutions to punish anyone who engages in "hate speech" against religion. The bill used to prosecute Mr. Wilders is the national version of what OIC diplomats peddle at the U.N. and EU.

The implications of this trial are enormous. In the short term, it could bring the simmering tensions between Holland's approximately one million Muslims and the 1.4 million voters who elected Mr. Wilders to a boil. The Netherlands has seen its share of Islamist violence before and could well see violent confrontations again.

On a more fundamental level, this trial—even if Mr. Wilders wins—could silence the brave critics of radical Islam. The West is in a war of ideas against political Islam. If free speech is not protected in Europe, we're already losing.

Ms. Ali, a former member of the Dutch parliament, is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of "Nomad: From Islam to America—A Personal Journey through the Clash of Civilizations" (Free Press, 2010).
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Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение Дядя » 11 окт 2010, 20:23

моня,это значит Геерту капыздец или ещё есть шансы?

Re: Свободу Геерту Уилдерсу!

Сообщение monteverdi » 15 окт 2010, 19:49


Friday 15 October 2010

Friday 15 October 2010

The public prosecution department on Friday afternoon stated that Geert Wilders is not guilty of discriminating against Muslims. Earlier on Friday it announced he should also be found not guilty of inciting hatred.

Prosecutors Birgit van Roessel and Paul Velleman reached their conclusions after a careful reading of interviews with and articles by the anti-Islam politician and a viewing of his anti-Koran film Fitna.

They said comments about banning the Koran can be discriminatory, but because Wilders wants to pursue a ban on democratic lines, there is no question of incitement to discrimination 'as laid down in law'.

On the comparison of the Koran with Mein Kampf, the prosecutors said the comparison was 'crude but that did not make it punishable'.

Dealing earlier on Friday with incitement to hatred, Van Roessel and Velleman said some comments could incite hatred against Muslims if taken out of context, but if the complete text is considered, it can be seen that Wilders is against the growing influence of Islam and not against Muslims per sé.

On Tuesday, the prosecutors said the MP should not be found guilty of group insult.

The public prosecution department was forced to take the case by the high court after anti-racism campaigners protested at its refusal to prosecute Wilders.
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